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Amazen v1.4 – Responsive Affiliate & Classified Ads Blogger Template Free

Amazen v1.4 – Responsive Affiliate & Classified Ads Blogger Template Free Download. It’s Perfect for Classified Ads, Selling Affiliate Products, Books, Online Courses and Even your own Products. Amazen is a very Fast and fully Customizable Blogger Template which will allow you to Create your own Amazing Design with your Brand Identity.

Main Features

  • Fully Responsive
  • Dark Mode and Dark Mode
  • Boxed Mode
  • 2+ Product Sections
  • TL Supported
  • Mailchimp Subscribe Form
  • SEO Optimized
  • Embed YouTube Videos and Images
  • Advanced Intro Section
  • Related Products
  • Disqus and Facebook Comments
  • Native Cookie
  • and more

Download Amazen Responsive Affiliate & Classified Ads Blogger Template

Live Demo: View Demo

Free download amazen – responsive affiliate & classified ads blogger template by probloggertemplates affiliates website blogger template download.

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