CodecanyonCrmHospital ManagementLaravel

Single Clinic/Hospital Management with Book Appointment Website PHP Script v1.0

Single Clinic/Hospital Management with Book Appointment Website PHP Script v1.0 Free Download. Single Clinic Hospital Management is useful to handle all the Details in Clinic or Hospital including Search Doctors, Services of Clinic or Hospital, Departments in Clinic, Doctor’s Book Appointment, Gallery, availability Check and Lots of other Features.

Main Features

  • Book Appointment
  • Department Management
  • Price List
  • Chat with Doctor
  • Braintree and Payments
  • List of all Doctors
  • Star Rating of Doctor
  • Multi-Language
  • Gallery
  • Check Subscription History
  • Medicines Brands and Categories
  • List of Patients
  • Send Notification
  • and more

Download Single Clinic/Hospital Management with Book Appointment Website

Live Demo: View Demo

Free download Single Clinic/Hospital Management with book appointment website PHP script by FreakTemplate on Codecanyon hospital management software download.

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