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Zaistock v1.1 – Free & Premium Stock Photo, Video, Audio, Icon Illustration Script

Zaistock v1.1 – Free & Premium Stock Photo, Video, Audio, Icon Illustration Script Free Download. Zaistock is a React Laravel Multivendor Free and Premium Digital Stock (Image, Video, Audio, Illustration, Icon) Selling Marketplace Script implemented based on Laravel, React, React toolkit, React Query, React Hook Form and Bootstrap. You can set up your API endpoints very Easily.

Main Features

  • Multi Language
  • Taxes
  • Powerful Contributor Panel
  • Multivendor
  • Supported (Image, Video, Audio, Icon, Illustration)
  • Subscription System
  • Affliate System
  • Secure Bcrypt password Hashing
  • RTL Support
  • Comment System
  • 8+ Popular Payment Methods
  • SMTP Support
  • Powerful Contributor Panel
  • Filter Syatem
  • Follow and Unfollow System
  • Coupon System
  • Storage (Local, DigitalOcean, Amazon, Wasabi and Vultr)
  • Wallet System
  • Donation System
  • and more

Download Zaistock Free & Premium Stock Photo, Video, Audio, Icon Illustration Script

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Free download Zaistock free & premium stock photo, video, audio, icon illustration script PHP script by Codecanyon script download stock photo software download.

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